Scratch Game Chase
Scratch Game Platformer
Chase Code |
Freedom Game |
Hey Guys Im back and this weeks blog is about our "Scratch Game Design" how we made it and who we thought about when we were making this Scratch Chase game. When I was creating my game I thought each character or sprite should be 3 of my friends because each sprite is really wacky or crazy. That's why instead of the shark sprite saying "Im going to get you" it adds more detail like "Im going to get you little fishy" One of my friends is the Shark, tough and likes to chase people. The fish is my second friend she is shy, but is very confident and will beat you in a game. The third sprite is a wacky crazy starfish that doesn't know what's going on and wants to get somewhere else.
Platformer Code |
The feature of my game is for my sprite to get my two other sprites the evil yellow blocks.You have 1 minute to get both of the blocks. I need to debug my game a little more because when your suppose to jump it glitches and goes somewhere else so I need to do that if I did that my game would be good and I need to make my game a little more smooth too. If I do that my game should be good.
My best code would be when im trying to make my sprites say something corny or funny. My most difficult problem was when I had to make my sprite jump. I had helpful tips from the focus wall on the videos of ''Simple Jumping and Gravity Engine''. I also thought that Google helped me a lot because if I was faced with a problem I would look up a way to solve the problem.