Showing posts with label GT portfolio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GT portfolio. Show all posts

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Music Video Finale

P3T1 Faded from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

BTS Photo
Our last project! I cant believe it. For our very LAST project, we have to have a team, and of-course a song! My teammates for this project are Seline Gage, Coral Haeger, and Alexis Chatfield.  We have all been really close as friends since 6th grade. So it was easy to pick our team for this project. The song we picked it called "Faded" by Alan Walker. This song has a really cool beat to it, and we figured it would look really cool with an ocean theme. I really like the song we picked and it is school appropriate so that was a benefit.

BTS Photo
So our storyline for this project is about all of us hanging out. Then its of us getting lost from each other. The second part is fading into a dream while the lyrics say "Was it all in my fantasy, were you only imaginary." Then Seline and Alexis go searching for Coral and I while were looking for them when the lyrics say "Where are you now." Next we find all of each other and we all hug. In the lyrics is says "So lost, Im faded, So lost Im faded." In different parts its Seline and Alexis looking for us and then Coral and I are looking for them and we all find each other on a beach in the end.
BTS Photo
This Music Video is going to turn out to be the BEST, HIGHEST quality, and FLAWLESS project we have done all year in this GT class. All the practice we have had with all our projects, has given us the practice and ability to produce a PERFECT music video. I really think and believe that we did our highest quality on our last project. We ended up getting into 1st place for the class overall best music video. Im really proud of our music video. I thought we put in the best we could do and made it perfect!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Movie Trailer Premier

P3T4_In Too Deep from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

BTS Photo
Its a new project! As it said in the title were doing a movie trailer! My team for this project is Seline Gage (7th grader), Kiersten Donner (8th grader), and Stephanie Agulidaldo (8th grader). Our new, amazing project goal is to "Plan & produce a 90-120 second imaginary movie trailer that attracts and holds the interest of your audience without giving away the ending. Commit to a dramatic voice actor who can fully persuade and hint at why your movie is a for sure “Must See”. Include an original movie poster and give your audience with the highest level of production value so their eyes & ears stay glued to the screen!" How I committed to the plan of our storyboard is I did half of the VA script with the help of Seline. Also Seline and I did the scenes which is like planning what we're going to film (Composition Techniques, Wide, Medium, or Close shots etc.) I put Kiersten and Stephanie in charge of drawing the poster and editing the Composition Technique video.

BTS Photo
Our teams biggest challenge so far is getting everyone to be able to met up for our team meeting. For the first meeting only Seline and I showed up, but right as we left Kiersten showed up because she couldn't get a ride to the beach. Also getting images to put in our movie poster. Most of the images we put in our poster were screen shots from our footage we took. Or the pictures we took were either blurry or low quality. One of our successes was getting awesome footage to put in our movie trailer. We got this awesome shot of Seline duck-diving under a wave and the wave curling over her as she goes under. Another success was getting all of our meetings done or getting the MMAS (2 M's= Team meetings, A= Audio, S= Something recorded at school.) on our team plan. Our last success was turning our highest quality movie trailer in on time.

Our critique results we pretty good in my view. We got voted in 3rd place for the overall "Best Movie Trailer" so I was pretty happy about that. Plus most of the class voted my team in the "All Expectations Met" rather than "Room For Improvement." I would have liked to get more "ABOVE AND BEYOND!!!" But maybe next time. I was really happy and satisfied with how our movie trailer looked. I learned from this project how to manage my time and I got to learn more about my team members, like how they act, what they like to do, what they do to fix a problem when our team faced one, and so on. I enjoyed this project, this was a easy project, I mean it had its problems but still I enjoyed it and was happy with the footage we got for our movie trailer. I cant wait to start our movie trailer. OUR LAST PROJECT!!! Then summer. Right now we have 35 more days of school before summer. I bet our next our team will "hit out of the park." 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Metamorphosis Animation

P3T3 Metamorphosis from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

Behind The Scenes 
Story Board
Our goal for this project "Metamorphosis Animation."- Using the project rubric, every animation teams will create a presentation to pitch their 2 BEST,  metamorphosis animation focus statements & story ideas to the class, then finish their production plan & storyboard before making your 1-2 minute animated movie with a custom soundtrack or foley. Right now we are creating a slide show of our our pitches to be presented in front of the class. My team for this project is of course me (Returning 7th grader), Coral Haeger (Returning 7th grader), and Aftan Dodd (New 6th grader). How we picked each other for our project was we all know each other and we had to have at least 1-2 returning GT student and 1-2 new GT student. I am the team leader for this project.

Visual Storyboard
Our focus statement is Seahorse Discovers Kindness. We presented our ideas to the class and they choose Seahorse Discovers Kindness. Each is about how this crab named Joe that is really mean and is ungrateful for what he has so he moves to another reef. Joe meets this seahorse named Fred who makes him this soup and Joe doesn't want it and drops it and the blow shatters. Joe gets cut by the bowl and turns into a seahorse. He starts to notice everything he should be grateful for, like a reef over his head, and having Fred as his friend. The plot or main event is how after Joe gets hurt and changes into a seahorse he becomes a kinder person. When Joe goes back to his home reef he teaches people to appreciate everything they have.

Critique Results
Reflecting our teams results we got a 3/4 on this project for our final grade. I wish we could have got a 4/4  and I can see why we got a 3/4, but if we worked a little bit better on making scenes and creating shots and really making the quality 100% I think we could have got a 4/4. Im glad we didn't get a lower grade than a 3/4 because that would have brought our grade down more. I liked the sound effects and the audio we put into our animation video. Even though there were challenging parts of this project, it was still fun to learn from. If I had the choice to do this project again I wouldn't choose this project, maybe another project like a movie trailer, or a teacher interview with a teacher we choose.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Geometric Portraits

Facial expressions are universal. I read an article on google called ''Six Universal Expressions." It talked about a research study that put six facial expressions which match to particular universal emotions such as being happy, being sad, being surprised, filled with anger, disgust, joy, or fear. This article even had examples of all of these expressions. Happy, your usually smiling. Surprised, your eyes are big and wide. Sad, tears rolling down your face. Mad crinkled up nose and eyebrows, and your face gets really red. Fear, your eye brows are raised, your mouth is slightly open, your teeth are cliched together, and your eyes are wide. And Disgust, your check and lip are raised, and your nose is crinkled.

Step One: Take a portrait of yourself. Set up or prepare your project. Width 8.5 in. Height 11 in. Resolution 300 p/i.  Next upload that image to Photoshop. Fit your portrait into your work space. Then hold SHIFT down so you don't mess up your portrait and make yourself look like you just ate a whole carton of ice-cream. Once you fit your portrait to a good stopping point press COMMAND S or File > Save as >your document Step Two: Then set up your grid. Go to View> Show> Grid. Then View>Snap to> Grid. Step Three: Make an outline. Use the line tool, cut through the middle of your portrait, and outline the left side of your portrait all the way to the line separating the left and right side. Press COMMAND S or File > Save as >your document Step Four: Outline the triangles. This takes time and patients. Using the line tool make a bunch of triangles in the portrait (good sized ones)  Once your done you will notice that you have a bunch of shapes where all your layers go, select the top of and hold shift scroll all the way to the bottom still holding shift and select the bottom one then right click with your mouse and click merge layers. Name that Outline so you don't get confused. press COMMAND S or File > Save as >your document Step Five:  Fill the triangles with color. Take your portrait layer and press the lock, then press Command J.  Name that Low Poly. Once your on that layer use the polygonal lasso tool and outline a triangle go to Filter> Blur>Average.Repeat this process until each triangle is filled instead of going to  Filter> Blur>Average each time press Command F.  Create another layer and use the paint bucket tool and use white click on the screen. That's your background. press COMMAND S or File > Save as >your document Step Seven: Almost done. Duplicate and flip the image. You are on your Low poly layer Command J to copy it. Flip it so that you have a low poly image on both sides. Make sure you fit it correctly and move it where its touching each other so there is no white line down the middle. Now press COMMAND S or File > Save as >your document save it as a JPG though because you are all finished.
with all your triangles filled with color press

The difference between my Poly-1 and my Poly-2 is that each poly project got better my Poly-1 is okay but I could have improved on somethings in that project. But my Poly-2 is my best one yet. The same things in my Poly Portraits project is that We still used the same tools like the polygonal lasso tool and the move tool but we didn't use the eye dropper tool in Poly-1 because we used Filter> Blur> Average. But I really like how I did my head band in Poly-1 because I liked how I made them different colors but I could have improved on actually making triangle in my Poly-1. Of course there are the good and bad parts about what turned out good and what didn't. I really like how detailed the eyes were in my Poly-2 and how I spent a lot of time on them, I didn't like really how the hair turned out but that's okay if I do this project again I would spend more time on the not so important parts like we did on the more important parts. 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Verbal Landscapes

GunnD_Retime from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

A way nature impacts my life is it always makes me happy to be outside. I love exploring different things outside and learning of different animals in nature. Looking and smelling the ocean and flowers everywhere. Nature is always so pretty to look at that's one reason why you have 5 senses touch, smell, hear, look, and taste. Each one you can use in nature. You can look at all the beauty, you can feel the wind in your hair, smell the flowers,  hear the birds chipping, and taste fruits that grow, you are able to use all your senses in nature.

Time lapses are created by taking a video and speeding it up to make it go really fast. Like you take a 5 minute video such as a sunrise then you would speed it up from 5 minutes to maybe 5 or 10 seconds. A slow-mo is created by taking a video and slowing it down. If you have a wave crashing down on the sand like I do you would take that 5 second video and slow it down to maybe 10-15 seconds. Also when your taking a video for a slow mo or time lapses always use a tripod or environmental tripod a.k.a the ground. As you know if your taking the video just your self holding the camera its not "Oh it might come out shaky" it will come out shaky.

The hardest part of this video was getting the videos that I needed and trying to wake up early, not moving the camera and trying not to get sand and water on my camera. I over came those problem by getting a good night sleep, using the ground as a tripod, and picking up my camera when a wave was coming. The best part of this project was seeing everything in nature, the brightest sunrise, teal clear waves crashing, golden specks of sand, wet clear raindrops, and the stunning sunset. I also loved editing my video because I can think back about how amazing nature is.

AV Log Screen Shot

Critique Results: I think that I could have got a better grade in this project. I think that I could have done some extra work and really pushed towards a 4/4 instead of a 3/4. I got 9 that voted for a 4 for me, 16 people voted that I got a 3 and 2 voted that I got a 2. I would say that I got a 4 because I had extra time-lapses and extra slow-mos. I also had all the requirements in my video to get a 4/4.  I did notice that some of my clips are shaky. I also noticed that one part of my clip was a black part but that wasent from rearranging it it was my roof in the video.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Poetic Personal Statement

Poetic Sketch
-What is poetry? Poetry is a story that has or rhyme or a rhythm to it. Poetry is creative writing. Poetry can be thoughts that pop into your head, “off of the top of your head” some people say. It’s a way of expressing your emotions. There can be different genres love, sadness, happiness, etc. Each genre can make you feel that that poem relates to you. Sometimes poetry can be turned into lyrics for a song. Poetry is used to express your feelings. To show the emotion you are feeling at that moment or time. Whether your happy or sad, angry or mad, excited or scared, or proud or embarrassed.

This is my poetic statement for this project:
As I look across the waves I become braver and stronger.
The puzzle that stumbled me is now gone. 
As I kill the fear in my head, the gears in my brain start and no longer veer. 
The focus that woke us, spoke to us saying,
Poetic Statement
"Each time you move you improve, proving yourself.
When you prove yourself you get in the groove and move.
Each day just live, laugh, and love.
Every time you live you thrive,
Each day your laughing your dancing and splashing,
Poetic Statement Project
Everything you love you think of, your one of, your part of and proud of."

One reason you use rhythm and rhyme is because it give your poem a beat, and it can get catchy. Your more drawn to actually listen to the poem rather then sitting there thinking of something totally different. When you you use rhythm and rhyme you become more interested too and it become fun to read your poem in a beat. How you use rhythm is to rhyme, when you rhyme it creates a beat that catches the reader. For example in my poetic statement there is one verse followed by many other rhyming verse that rhymes "Each time you move you improve, proving yourself." As you read that you can see the beat that is in that verse.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Music Video Finale

P3T1 Fight Song from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

BTS Photos
BTS Photos
Our last project, WOW this year flew by all the projects we had like the Motivational Poster, The Comedy Video, The Code Cracking, The Composition Scavenger Hunt, The Inventions we had to make, The Scratch Game Design, The Photomontage, The Spherical and Polar Worlds, The MOV. Film Festival trailer, sitcom, animation. The GIF we made of our self, Also the GIF we created with our teammates that we haven't worked with before, And last but least the MUSIC VIDEO!!!So lets get cracking on talking about our last project. My teammate for this last project is Meah. Our storyline is about how Danielle wants to play soccer but she thinks that she cant do it or that the other players wont let her play with them. But with our song "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten (Thanks Rachel for making such a motivating song) (Winky Face) This song and lyrics encourages or gives Danielle encouragement while Meah is encouraging Danielle. Danielle starts believing that she can do it. While the lyrics say "I still believe, yeah I still believe", & "This is my Fight Song".
Lyrics Used

Our fast edit-shot is of when Danielle starts believing she can do it and start kicking the soccer ball. There is a close of the ball being kicked and then rewinded and then that shot is repeated so everything that just happened is repeated with the beat. Another fast edit-shot is of Danielle looking in the minor and then right after a slow motion video of Meah throwing a glass bottle or vase and the lyrics saying" But I can make an explosion"
BTS Photos

This music video shows our best work by putting our best work or effort into our last project because this music video is our last project of the year for 6th grade. We want to get the best grade that we can get which would be an A or 4/4. Spending free time during recess and lunch recess to make sure our LAST project is going to be AMAZING, OUR BEST WORK, & OUR HIGHEST QUALITY!


Monday, May 2, 2016

Animated Life Lessons

P3T10 Boys Organize Room from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

Hey guys it that time again, another project this project is about an animation we had to create (watch it down below). Anyway we have to write about our teammates, my teammates for this project are Brody and Makaio. My teammates personal traits are messy, their chill, athletic, and their both fearless. Our story is about how Brody and Makaio cant find their I.D's for the field trip that they are going on the next day. I tell them that they should clean their room and that may help them find things easier and find their I.D's for the next day. Once they start cleaning their room they find a lot of things they have been missing for sometime. Finally they find their I.D's and can go on tomorrows Field trip.
BTS Photos 

In our animation there is humor of Danielle telling Brody and Makaio to clean their room and right after Makaio says "Wait Danielle. Hold on a sec. I have an idea. How about we clean our room so we can find our I.D.s and this won’t keep happening to us." Then Brody says "That’s An awesome idea! Totally original!" Then Danielle"Great idea! How come I didn't think of that. (sarcastically)" Our animation relates to us because there are those people that are SUPER organized and those people that cleaning or keeping their room clean doesnt really cross their mind.
BTS Photos 

Working with people that I have never work with was kind of hard for me because usually I would go in at recess and only one of my teammates were in there during recess or lunch working trying to help finish their scene another difficult moment was photoshop, I don't like puppet warp on photoshop because I would would always run into problems with it Our teams best moment was turning our project in because we were finally done with all the stress.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Character Development

Green Screen Portrait
Hello again, so this week and for 2 more weeks we have anew project called"Your Animation".for this weeks blog we have to write about what kind of person we are. So I would define my self as funny, crazy, loyal, caring, happy, honest, and amazing. We also have to write about what humorous or relatable imperfections that I do. Every night when I go to bed even if its cold like 60 degrees that night I NEED the fan on full blast or on high or else I cant sleep if its not that way.

Some character traits that I plan to make or exaggerate are making myself looking like I'm dancing really amazing (which of course I will be...winky face) for about 5 seconds then have a really cool, awesome back round in my GIF animation to cause interest to the viewer. It will also make them want to tell others about my GIF animation that we are all working on as a class.
Cut-Out Front Portrait

The step-by-step process of creating a GIF would be 1.) Taking a picture of yourself with your arms spread out as shown above. 2.) Would be to cut yourself out in photoshop with the "Quick Selection Tool" so that there is no more green screen in the back. 3.)Starting the animation. Add a couple of frames, use the move tool to move your character to where you want. 4.)Puppet warp! Each time you make a change with puppet warp, you need to make a different layer or else that change will apply to each frame. Maybe try labeling all your layers that you make so its less confusing. 5.)Now pick any background in your finder windows and drag it from finder to photoshop and then easily move it to fit the frame.

Friday, March 11, 2016

.MOV Film Festival

P3T7 Blondes Think Big from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

Visual Plan 
Behind the Sense 
Hey Guys, I'm back with another blog post it's all about our new project. We have to make a Movie trailer, Sitcom, or animation our group chose a sitcom. This project is for the "Student Annual .MOV Film Festival."Our keywords connect with our audience because it describes what the sitcom is kinda about like some of our words are"Crazy, Hilarious, Accident, Interesting, Expectation" our sitcom is about how "Blondie's just wanna have fun." Like when we do the Secret Blondie Scene,The Tree Scene, or the Balloon scene.

Visual Plan 
Behind the Sense 
Our overall message was to teach other people that some blondes aren't dumb they just like to act funny or mess around (Which you will learn more about in our sitcom). We let people know that it doesn't matter what the color of your hair is blondes aren't dumb they just like to act funny or mess around. But movies and tv shows these days make blondes act like there the stupidest person in the WORLD!

Visual Plan 
Behind the Sense 
Our teams biggest team was for Alexis (clear throat) to keep focus while we were filming because most of our bloopers are from (clear throat) Alexis. Another one of our teams biggest challenges were trying to get Alexis and Katy to meet up and film our sitcom. Our other challenge was trying to make the balloon float up in the scene of me letting go of the balloon. Our last challenge was editing we took so many videos we had to watch them all to see which one were bloopers and which were good for our sitcom thats DUE THURSDAY!!!